Threat Intelligence June 2, 2017 Mark Your Calendar: IBM X-Force Tracks Cyberattacks by Month 6 min read - According to IBM X-Force research, 19 percent of cyberattacks observed over the past two years occurred during the month of December.
Software Vulnerabilities May 16, 2017 Apache Struts 2: A Zero-Day Quick Draw 4 min read - It took fraudsters less than 24 hours after the disclosure of a previously unknown Apache Struts 2 vulnerability to develop a Python script to exploit it.
Banking & Finance April 27, 2017 A Magnet for Cybercrime: Financial Services Sector 2 min read - According to the 2017 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, cybercriminals targeted the financial services sector more than any other industry in 2016.
Advanced Threats April 10, 2017 Mirai IoT Botnet: Mining for Bitcoins? 4 min read - Just in time for IoT Day, the Mirai botnet is launching attacks with a new trick up its sleeve: a built-in bitcoin mining component.
Threat Intelligence March 29, 2017 2016: The year of the mega breach 2 min read - The latest edition of the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index detailed how companies were affected by data breaches during the "year of the mega breach."
Data Protection February 21, 2017 Disposing of Your Device: Don’t Throw the Data Out With the Old PC 4 min read - Disposing of your device securely means wiping old data, deauthorizing account access and finding an ecologically sound home for the old device.
Healthcare January 31, 2017 Health care data at growing risk from ransomware, insiders and third-party breaches 2 min read - A new report based on IBM MSS data revealed that ransomware, insider threats and third-party breaches plagued health care organizations in 2016.
Retail December 22, 2016 Attackers Targeting Retail Are Shopping for Low-Hanging Fruit 2 min read - A recent IBM study revealed that many high-profile attacks against retail companies originate from vulnerabilities classified as low-hanging fruit.
Government December 7, 2016 Rising Attack Rates and Massive Breaches Plague Government Organizations 2 min read - IBM's "2016 Cyber Security Intelligence Index" reported that the government sector is now the fourth most frequently targeted industry in the U.S.
X-Force November 30, 2016 Hello, You’ve Been Compromised: Upward Attack Trend Targeting VoIP Protocol SIP 4 min read - According to IBM Managed Security Services data, cybercriminals most commonly target the SIP and SCCP protocols in VOIP spam attacks.
Threat Intelligence November 8, 2016 Consequences of IoT and Telnet: Foresight Is Better Than Hindsight 4 min read - Cybercriminals have learned how to exploit the IoT and Telnet servers to commit record-shattering DDoS attacks against major websites.
Threat Intelligence October 21, 2016 Researchers Detect Second Wave of Shellshock Attacks Since Two-Year Anniversary 2 min read - Researchers detected an increase in Shellshock attacks — the second wave of activity since the malware celebrated its two-year anniversary in September.