Data Protection December 12, 2017 The Gingerbread Man Cooks Up a GDPR Compliance Plan 3 min read - The Gingerbread Man knew that May 25, 2018 was a big day: the day by which he had to achieve General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. Organizations around the world — not just those in the European Union (EU) —…
Data Protection December 4, 2017 Designing Your GDPR Plan: It’s Time to Move From ‘What’ to ‘How’ 4 min read - After the Assess phase of your GDPR readiness journey, it's time to move onto the Design phase to determine how you'll achieve and maintain compliance.
Endpoint November 29, 2017 Moving Target Defense: A Digital Shell Game 3 min read - Moving target defense constantly shifts the environment surrounding sensitive data, making it harder for would-be attackers to identify vulnerabilities.
Retail November 27, 2017 Omnichannel Success Requires Retail Data Protections 3 min read - Omnichannel retailing is making shopping easier for consumers, but also presenting complexities to retailers.
Healthcare November 17, 2017 Why Has Health Care Become Such a Target for Cyberattacks? 4 min read - A widespread ransomware attack such as WannaCry can cause problems for any business. For a health care organization, it can cause an utter catastrophe.
Data Protection November 15, 2017 Data Storage and Encryption Should Top the CISO’s To-Do List 4 min read - Before diving head-first into a data storage and encryption strategy, the CISO must decide which solutions best address the organization's unique needs.
November 14, 2017 Mind the Gap With IBM Data Risk Manager: The Data Risk Security Platform for the C-Suite 3 min read - Our sensitive data is exposed to more internal and external threats, heightening the data risk more than ever before.
Incident Response November 13, 2017 The Grasshopper, the Ants and the Incident Response Plan 3 min read - The passive Grasshopper should be more like the Ants, who use IBM Resilient to support their robust and comprehensive incident response plan.
November 7, 2017 Anonymity Gone Awry: New TorMoil Vulnerability Leaks User IPs 2 min read - A new vulnerability called TorMoil exploits a browser flaw to bypass security relays and expose real IP addresses belonging to Tor users.
November 6, 2017 Business Leaders Must Wake Up to the Risk of Shadow IT 2 min read - According to a recent survey by Symantec, the risk posed by shadow IT is growing, and CIOs are in denial about the scale of the problem.