Data Protection September 20, 2017 GDPR Readiness: From Mission Impossible to Mission Accomplished 4 min read - GDPR readiness starts with a solid understanding of what Personal Data looks like, where it is located, who is accessing it and who wants to compromise it.
Data Protection September 14, 2017 See No Data, Hear No Data, Speak No Data: Overcoming the Challenges of Risk-Focused Data Management 3 min read - A risk-focused data management program can help companies identify and protect their prized assets from attackers aiming to steal, publish or destroy them.
Data Protection September 12, 2017 Think You Have Plenty of Time to Plan for GDPR? Think Again 4 min read - The deadline to achieve compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fast approaching, but many companies remain unprepared.
Government September 11, 2017 e-Signature Security Speeds Government Paperwork Along 2 min read - The U.S. Census Bureau hopes to save $1.2 million annually by implementing e-signature technology in its internal personnel evaluation system.
September 6, 2017 Quantum Data Protection: The Birth of an Unhackable Box? 2 min read - CalTech researchers created a chip-sized unhackable box, which represents a significant step forward in the field of quantum data protection.
CISO September 5, 2017 The Security Leader’s Expanding Role: Seven Priorities to Drive CISO Success 3 min read - Today's CISO needs to be more than just a security leader. The role now demands constant communication, continuous education and acute business sense.
Data Protection September 5, 2017 The Time for IT Asset Management Is Now 3 min read - Due to the rapidly shifting technology landscape, a robust, dynamic and well-funded IT asset management program is a prerequisite to success in business.
Threat Intelligence August 30, 2017 The Educator’s back-to-school cybersecurity checklist: Make mitigating command injection a priority 3 min read - To protect students, parents and teachers from data theft, academic institutions must adopt comprehensive strategies to mitigate command injection attacks.
August 29, 2017 IBM Announces New Guardium Data Encryption v3.0 Portfolio 2 min read - The latest version of Guardium Data Encryption allows many different types of organizations to protect data by making the data less accessible.
Data Protection August 29, 2017 Need-to-Know Only: Use Encryption to Make Data Meaningless to Prying Eyes 3 min read - Data encryption is one of the most basic — and, given the right tools, most effective — ways to protect sensitive information from cybercriminals.