December 5, 2017 Vortex and Bugware Ransomware Use Open Source Tools to Target .NET Users 2 min read - Security researchers uncovered two new ransomware strains that use open source tools to minimize their victims' odds of recovering their encrypted files.
November 15, 2017 New Crysis Variant Calls for Better Ransomware Protection < 1 min read - A new variant of the Crysis ransomware highlights the need for companies to enhance their ransomware protection.
Data Protection November 15, 2017 Data Storage and Encryption Should Top the CISO’s To-Do List 4 min read - Before diving head-first into a data storage and encryption strategy, the CISO must decide which solutions best address the organization's unique needs.
X-Force November 6, 2017 How not to store passwords: SHA-1 fails again 3 min read - Symmetric key encryption, password hashing and SHA-1 are all ineffective ways to store passwords during the software development stage.
Data Protection November 3, 2017 The Power and Versatility of Pervasive Encryption 3 min read - Pervasive encryption is a powerful, customizable feature of the IBM z14 mainframe that enables security teams to protect all data and maintain compliance.
October 30, 2017 DUHK Vulnerability Offers a Quick Way to Launch a Crypto Attack 2 min read - Security researchers exposed a vulnerability in a random number generator with hardcoded keys that could lead to a crypto attack.
October 17, 2017 RSA Key Insecurity Places Business Data at Risk 2 min read - Researchers found that TPM chipsets manufactured by Infineon create weak RSA key information, which could enable fraudsters to compromise corporate data.
Cloud Security October 11, 2017 Fail-Safe Security: Protecting Data From Cloud and Third-Party Risks With Encryption 2 min read - Fail-safe measures such as encryption can help organizations minimize cloud and third-party risks in the virtually inevitable event of a data breach.
August 29, 2017 IBM Announces New Guardium Data Encryption v3.0 Portfolio 2 min read - The latest version of Guardium Data Encryption allows many different types of organizations to protect data by making the data less accessible.
Data Protection August 29, 2017 Need-to-Know Only: Use Encryption to Make Data Meaningless to Prying Eyes 3 min read - Data encryption is one of the most basic — and, given the right tools, most effective — ways to protect sensitive information from cybercriminals.