Risk Management May 25, 2016 Overcoming Cybersecurity Challenges in the White House and Beyond 3 min read - Taking incremental steps against cybersecurity challenges puts organizations further behind in countering the threat environment.
Application Security February 25, 2016 Your Medical Device Is in My Internet of Things 3 min read - A medical device today is most likely connected to the Internet of Things, which makes security and vulnerability reporting of paramount importance.
January 14, 2016 DDoS Defense: Better Traction in Tandem? 2 min read - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has partnered with security firm Galois to develop a collaborative DDoS defense protection solution.
December 10, 2015 EU Rules on Reporting Responsibilities for Cyberattacks 2 min read - The European Union recently established guidelines for organizations regarding when, how and to whom to report cyberattacks.
Government November 24, 2015 Cybersecurity a Major Topic in 2016 Presidential Election 2 min read - Don't look now, but cybersecurity is lurking as a major issue in the developing presidential election, even if it isn't explicitly spoken about.
Government November 19, 2015 How Are US Armed Forces Closing the Cyber Skills Gap? 3 min read - A new aptitude test could help the U.S. Navy test recruits on their cyber proficiency, helping to close the massive skills gap persisting in the military.
Government November 16, 2015 Old Voting Tech Puts 2016 Election at Risk — Time for a Veto? 3 min read - Voting technology is going to be under a lot of pressure in less than a year. Are there enough security safeguards to protect these machines?
November 12, 2015 UK Spy Agency Partners With Industry and Academia on Cybersecurity Research Program 2 min read - The U.K. government, the spy agency GCHQ and various academic and business partners are pulling together for a cybersecurity research program.
November 12, 2015 The Insider Threat: Government’s Real Cyber Worry? 2 min read - Government agencies are understandably worried about external cyberthreats, but is the insider threat their biggest problem?
October 14, 2015 Out in the Rain: Malware-Makers Extradited in US-EU Umbrella Agreement 2 min read - After four years, the US-EU Umbrella Agreement for cybersecurity is making progress. Soon, malware creators may have nowhere to hide.