Application Security September 1, 2016 Is IoT Security a Ticking Time Bomb? 3 min read - The IoT will continue to grow at a rapid pace, but many devices, apps and infrastructure are developed with IoT security as an afterthought.
Fraud Protection August 17, 2016 New FFIEC Mobile Financial Services Guidelines Services Put a Stake in the Ground 2 min read - The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council put a stake in the ground with recent guidance on risks associated with mobile financial services.
August 1, 2016 New SMS Phishing Campaigns Spotted: Attackers Bobbing for Apples? 2 min read - The latest targets of SMS phishing are iOS users. In fact, more than 7,500 users who clicked on a malicious link fell victim to a recent smishing attack.
Government June 21, 2016 FTC Studying Manufacturers’ Mobile Device Security Update Practices 3 min read - The FTC recently mandated that eight major mobile device manufacturers in the U.S. reveal their security update practices and general update policies.
Banking & Finance June 7, 2016 Is Mobile Banking Safe? 4 min read - Mobile banking is becoming more popular, but as it grows the risks become bigger as well. Are financial institutions protecting their customers?
Endpoint May 18, 2016 Five Resources to Help You Deploy an Effective Mobile Security Strategy 3 min read - Here are five resources that will help enterprises create and deploy an effective mobile security strategy that meets all business and security needs.
Endpoint April 18, 2016 Mobile Security: Hear That Train a Comin’ – Don’t Let Mobile Fraud Hit You! 2 min read - Mobile fraud is coming to the enterprise, but luckily, there is time to get a comprehensive mobile security strategy launched for better protection.
Endpoint April 15, 2016 Why Do Companies Need an Enterprise Mobile Strategy? 2 min read - It is essential for enterprises to implement a holistic mobile security strategy that protects devices, manages access, enables collaboration and more.
Endpoint April 4, 2016 Mobile Security Framework: The Mobile Device Management Foundation 3 min read - Once ironclad mobile device security solutions are starting to rust from lack of updates or cumbersome installations. Organizations need security surety.
Government March 31, 2016 Being Hackable and the New Security Conundrum 2 min read - As applications and their security systems become more complex, more eyes are needed to create and review the process — which in turn makes them hackable.