Software Vulnerabilities March 4, 2019 Stranger Danger: X-Force Red Finds 19 Vulnerabilities in Visitor Management Systems 4 min read - Two X-Force Red interns discovered 19 previously undisclosed vulnerabilities across five popular visitor management systems that could enable attackers to establish a foothold on corporate networks.
Incident Response February 11, 2019 How Nat Prakongpan Found His Home on the Cyber Range 5 min read - Nat Prakongpan was building enterprise networks for his school in Thailand in the seventh grade. Following a series of happy accidents, he found himself building an immersive cyber range for IBM.
Data Protection January 9, 2019 Deciphering the Encryption Paradox 2 min read - The practice of protecting network data with encryption is gaining steam, and with good reason. But companies need adequate network visibility to keep up with threats that evade traditional detection.
Incident Response December 11, 2018 Why You Need a BGP Hijack Response Plan 5 min read - BGP hijack attacks are increasing in popularity, but are still largely unaddressed in many organizational incident response plans.
Retail December 6, 2018 5 More retail cybersecurity practices to keep your data safe beyond the holidays 7 min read - These five retail cybersecurity tips will help organizations mitigate cyberattacks and provide customers with the safest shopping experience during the holiday season.
Banking & Finance November 20, 2018 Why You Should Act Now to Prevent Peer-to-Peer Payments Network Fraud 4 min read - Financial institutions seeking a piece of the hot P2P payments market must act to prevent network fraud with a multilayered prevention approach that includes a robust fraud detection engine.
September 4, 2018 More Than a Quarter of Executives View Security Investments as Having a Negative ROI < 1 min read - A new report found that more than one-quarter of business executives view security investments as having a negative return on investment (ROI).
Network June 25, 2018 Why Network Visibility Is Critical for Today’s Compliance Mandates 2 min read - Without network visibility, organizations run the risk of mishandling customers' personal data and running afoul of new compliance mandates.
Identity & Access June 18, 2018 Is Corporate VPN Security Dead? 3 min read - Corporate VPN security still plays a vital role in protecting enterprise networks, but it is no longer sufficient to prevent unauthorized third-party or privileged access on its own.
April 24, 2018 New Orangeworm Threat Group Targets Healthcare Organizations With Custom Backdoor 2 min read - Security researchers reported that a cybergang known as Orangeworm is actively targeting healthcare organizations and attempting to install a custom backdoor on their networks.