Identity & Access January 6, 2016 Getting Rid of the Password: Smartphones to the Rescue 2 min read - New approaches to authentication by Google and Yahoo will likely supplant the traditional password with messages sent to smartphones.
December 23, 2015 Best Practices Can Fix Windows and Kerberos Password Security Problems 2 min read - The combination of Windows and Kerberos could be a toxic one for password security, but many top concerns can be mitigated with a few best practices.
Application Security December 22, 2015 Why You Should Consider Using Privileged Password Access Managers 2 min read - Password access managers may be the most viable solution to the lack of security surrounding login credentials — if they are used effectively.
December 11, 2015 Password Recovery: Open-Source Hashcat Goes on the Prowl 3 min read - Hashcat is one password recovery tool that could improve the outlook of general security — even if other password managers have been broken in the past.
November 19, 2015 LastPass Gets a Failing Grade From Researchers Who Say Passwords Could Be Exposed 2 min read - Password manager LastPass was recently discovered to have serious security flaws that could leave the door open for cybercriminals.
November 12, 2015 Pride and Privileges: IT Professionals Struggle With Credential Compromise 3 min read - IT professionals are tasked with managing the varying levels of access employees have to corporate data, which is a tall task for any security pro.
Application Security October 29, 2015 Britain’s GCHQ Wants to Help You Improve Your Password Strength 2 min read - We use too many passwords, and the majority of the time, those passwords are weak. Improving password strength is key to boosting cybersecurity.
Data Protection October 28, 2015 Two Important Lessons from the Ashley Madison Breach 5 min read - The Ashley Madison data breach was one of the most notable of 2015 so far, and there are several security lessons buried in the scandalous headlines.
CISO October 21, 2015 Send Security Awareness Home 4 min read - You can get users to pay attention to security awareness and embrace the best practices by applying concepts from the workplace to their home lives.
Identity & Access October 19, 2015 Your Evolving Digital Life: The Need for More Secure Authentication 2 min read - Biometrics and more secure types of authentication may be the next stage of digital security, designed to keep up with rapidly advancing technologies.