Software Vulnerabilities May 30, 2017 Relying on Data to Mitigate the Risk of WordPress Website Hijacking 9 min read - To protect their WordPress sites from scammers, administrators must proactively patch and monitor their installations to weed out unwanted content.
Intelligence & Analytics May 24, 2017 Stopping Threats in Their Tracks With Proactive Monitoring 4 min read - An effective response to an advanced threat such as WannaCry can be broken down into two phases: vulnerability management and proactive monitoring.
Network May 22, 2017 Blocking Bad: The Importance of Blocking and Virtual Patching 2 min read - Blocking refers to the practice of deploying network security devices to block threats as they traverse the network.
May 22, 2017 A Real Tearjerker: Patch Problems Drive WannaCry Worries 3 min read - While Microsoft could have slowed the spread of WannaCry, the real problem lies in the widespread practice of deploying outdated software and systems.
Endpoint May 18, 2017 How Basic Endpoint Patching Helps Protect Against Ransomware and Other Attacks 5 min read - Effective defense against large-scale ransomware attacks such as WannaCry starts with basic endpoint protection and patch management.
May 16, 2017 Protect Against the WannaCry Ransomware Attack With IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence With QRadar 4 min read - Organizations affected by the WannaCry ransomware attack can leverage IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence with QRadar to mitigate this unprecedented threat.
Software Vulnerabilities May 16, 2017 Apache Struts 2: A Zero-Day Quick Draw 4 min read - It took fraudsters less than 24 hours after the disclosure of a previously unknown Apache Struts 2 vulnerability to develop a Python script to exploit it.
Intelligence & Analytics May 10, 2017 Vulnerability Management in the Age of Analytics 2 min read - An effective vulnerability management strategy requires continuous visibility into endpoint activity and real-time control over devices in a network.
Application Security April 25, 2017 The Apache Struts 2 Vulnerability and the Importance of Patch Management 4 min read - The disclosure of an Apache Struts 2 vulnerability made the framework a lucrative target and highlighted the importance of patch management.
March 7, 2017 Wireshark Squashes Bugs With New Network Protocol Analyzer Update 2 min read - The Wireshark development team addressed dozens of vulnerabilities, segmentation flaws and bugs with the latest version of its network protocol analyzer.