Cloud Security September 25, 2015 Lines of Business, Cloud-Based Apps and the Implications of Shadow IT 2 min read - When the lines of business within an enterprise create a culture of shadow IT, it can have far-reaching consequences for the organization as a whole.
Endpoint September 18, 2015 FedRAMP Turbocharges Smooth Entry Into Cloud Services for Government Mobility 4 min read - Jeff Ward, the federal sales leader for IBM MaaS360, talked about enterprise mobility management and cloud services adoption in government.
Cloud Security September 14, 2015 Security’s Imminent Game Changer: The Cloud Hits a Walk-Off 3 min read - Maintaining enterprise security requires a game-changing evolution of cloud and mobile security capabilities — and the technologies used to manage them.
CISO September 11, 2015 Securing the Nonprofit 3 min read - Nonprofits and NGOs face a particular challenge when it comes to securing their critical data and forming their security infrastructure.
Software Vulnerabilities September 10, 2015 The Security and Privacy of Wearable Health and Fitness Devices 4 min read - Health and fitness devices that are connected to the Internet of Things can improve quality of life, but they also have security and privacy risks.
X-Force September 4, 2015 Side-Channel Attacks Against Multicore Processors in Cross-VM Scenarios: Part III 3 min read - In the final installment of this series, we focus on S$A attacks as well as some ways your organization can prevent side-channel attacks on its VMs.
X-Force August 28, 2015 Side-Channel Attacks Against Multicore Processors in Cross-VM Scenarios: Part II 6 min read - Discussion of two side-channel attacks meant to retrieve sensitive information from a virtual machine (VM) on the same physical processor package.
August 27, 2015 Just 1 Percent of Enterprise Employees Pose the Biggest Cloud Security Risk 2 min read - Recent research has revealed that just 1 percent of enterprise employees pose up to 75 percent of cloud security risk due to a lack of user education.
Cloud Security August 21, 2015 Side-Channel Attacks Against Multicore Processors in Cross-VM Scenarios: Part I 4 min read - This discussion is meant to facilitate the understanding of side-channel attacks, which affect today's modern multicore processors.
August 7, 2015 Are Cloud File Sync Tools Out of Step With Security? 2 min read - File sync services are now at risk of man-in-the-cloud (MitC) attacks, putting critical information at risk. What's the threat level for corporate data?