October 23, 2017 Banking Trojan Uses Malware Macros to Evade Sandbox Detection 2 min read - Security researchers observed a spam campaign that leverages PowerShell's AutoClose feature to deliver a banking Trojan while eluding sandbox detection.
Fraud Protection October 19, 2017 Pick a Card, Any Card: Deception, the Human Mind and the Social Engineering Challenge 3 min read - Social engineering schemes such as spear phishing rely on the human mind's inclination toward self-deception to motivate users to open malicious links.
July 25, 2017 Splash Screens Elicit Scares, According to New Ransomware Study 2 min read - A new ransomware study found that splash screens are being used to manipulate users through social engineering and scare tactics.
July 17, 2017 The Adwind Remote Access Tool Experiences a Resurgence 2 min read - A new report detailed how Adwind, a remote access tool, is surging in popularity and putting countless users at risk for cyberattack.
July 7, 2017 Cryptocurrency Attacks Escalate as Fraudsters Strike Classic Ether Wallet and Bithumb 2 min read - Cybercriminals recently breached two popular cryptocurrency platforms to steal personal information and digital funds to the tune of $300,000.
Identity & Access June 22, 2017 The Enemy Within: Identifying Insider Threats in Your Organization 2 min read - According to recent research, privileged users and administrators represent the biggest insider threats to any organization's sensitive data.
Risk Management June 16, 2017 Back to Basics: Six Simple Strategies to Strengthen Your Security Posture 2 min read - These six basic strategies can help organizations stop some threats, minimize others and improve their overall security posture.
Risk Management June 7, 2017 Five Tips to Stay Safe on Social Media While Traveling 3 min read - Posting vacation pictures or specific travel information online can expose social media users to identity theft, social engineering schemes and more.
CISO May 30, 2017 Four New Cyberthreats on the CISO’s Radar 2 min read - An effective defense against cyberattacks such as ransomware, dronejacking and hacktivism requires a deep understanding of the evolving threat landscape.
CISO March 9, 2017 Nine Security Practices That May Not Be Effective 3 min read - Many common security practices and widely used tools such as firewalls and IDS fail to adequately address the challenges IT professionals face today.