October 28, 2019 Weekly Security News Roundup: NordVPN Confirms Third-Party Provider Breach 3 min read - NordVPN revealed that one of its servers experienced a breach as a result of vulnerabilities affecting a third-party data center. Learn what else happened last week in security news.
October 21, 2019 Spelevo EK Exploits Flash Player Vulnerability to Deliver Maze Ransomware 2 min read - Researchers observed the Spelevo exploit kit abusing a vulnerability affecting Flash Player to infect users with samples of the Maze ransomware family.
Endpoint October 17, 2019 How to Tell Safe Advertisements From Dangerous Malvertising 4 min read - With malvertising on the rise, how can users and organizations tell the difference between safe advertisements and malicious ones that threaten personal or company data?
Identity & Access October 16, 2019 10 Reasons Your Organization Is Potentially at Risk of a Ransomware Attack 5 min read - With ransomware attacks attempted every 14 seconds, security teams understand that readiness and response capabilities are critical. Prepare your organization against these 10 common security gaps.
CISO October 8, 2019 Why a Cybersecurity Assessment Needs to Be Part of Your M&A Due Diligence Checklist 3 min read - Failing to include a cybersecurity assessment on your merger and acquisition (M&A) due diligence checklist means risking a data breach — and potentially shaving millions off the price of the deal.
Data Protection October 8, 2019 How Will 5G Deployment Impact Smart Cities? 3 min read - There's no doubt that 5G deployment is going to be a game changer for smart cities. But anything that is going to generate data in ways we've not seen before is going to create cybersecurity concerns.
October 7, 2019 Weekly Security News Roundup: eGobbler Exploits Browser Bugs to Infect More Than 1 Billion Ads 3 min read - Researchers unveiled how a malvertising actor known as eGobbler exploited browser bugs to infect more than 1 billion ad impressions. Read on to learn what else happened last week in security news.
Software Vulnerabilities September 12, 2019 The Art of Patch Management 4 min read - The vagaries of systems and organizations, compounded by the irrationality of the human mind and variations in patches themselves, means that patch management is not an exact science — it's an art.
September 10, 2019 Purple Fox Malware Spread by RIG Exploit Kit Capable of Abusing PowerShell 2 min read - The RIG exploit kit is distributing a new variant of the Purple Fox downloader malware family that's capable of abusing PowerShell.
September 10, 2019 New Glupteba Malware Backtracks Bitcoin, Cashes in C&C Server Updates 2 min read - A new strain of the Glupteba malware is cashing in on bitcoin transactions to continually update command-and-control (C&C) servers.