March 18, 2020 Snoop Attacks via L1 Data Sampling Threaten Security of Intel CPUs 2 min read - Intel processors, including Core and Xeon products, are susceptible to attacks described as Snoop-assisted L1 data sampling, a security investigator has discovered.
Fraud Protection March 17, 2020 2020 Tax Fraud Trends: How to Protect Yourself at Home and Work 8 min read - Scammers view tax season as a prime recruiting season for victims. Here are the most prominent tax fraud trends in 2020 and how to protect your identity and business from risks.
Software Vulnerabilities March 16, 2020 Player vs. Hacker: Cyberthreats to Gaming Companies and Gamers 6 min read - It is important that gaming companies are prepared to defend against threats to their consumers and that gamers understand the types of threats they can face in their community.
March 16, 2020 Weekly Security News Roundup: njRat Spread by Trojanized Hacking Tools 3 min read - Researchers spotted a new campaign in which malicious actors leveraged trojanized versions of popular hacking tools to spread njRat. Read on to learn what else happened last week in security news.
March 10, 2020 Threat Actors Launch Attacks Based on Exchange Control Panel Vulnerability 2 min read - Threat groups are exploiting a vulnerability in the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) just weeks after Microsoft issued a patch, security researchers have discovered.
March 9, 2020 Weekly Security News Roundup: Ransomware Attackers Targeting Victims’ Cloud Backups 3 min read - Security researchers investigated how ransomware actors are targeting victims' cloud-based backups to maximize their profits. Read on to learn what else happened last week in security news.
Endpoint March 4, 2020 Measuring Security Risk in a Medical IoT World 4 min read - To reduce cybersecurity risk, silos among internet of things (IoT) technologies and hospital teams should be broken down and impact across four pillars should be weighed.
March 3, 2020 Researchers Estimate Krøøk Vulnerability Could Put a Billion Wi-Fi Devices at Risk 2 min read - Researchers estimate more than a billion devices may be vulnerable to a cyberthreat dubbed Krøøk that can intercept and decrypt Wi-Fi traffic using WPA2 connections.
Endpoint March 3, 2020 What Is Rich Communication Services? Breaking Down the Benefits and Security Risks 3 min read - Texting has been available since the 1990s, and it has served us well. Now, Rich Communication Services is here. What kinds of security vulnerabilities are associated with this new tech?
Intelligence & Analytics February 27, 2020 A Guide to Easy and Effective Threat Modeling 6 min read - Threat modeling is a process by which potential threats can be identified, enumerated and prioritized, all from a hypothetical attacker's point of view. Learn more about building a threat model.