May 14, 2015 VENOM Flaw: The Truth About the Danger to Data Centers and Cloud Customers 2 min read - Researchers recently exposed the VENOM flaw, which could let hackers sabotage virtual machines in cloud computing environments around the world.
May 11, 2015 New SAP Vulnerabilities Create Sticky Situation for IT Security 2 min read - New SAP vulnerabilities could pose a serious problem for IT security professionals; despite its ubiquity, SAP is often overlooked as a security risk.
May 8, 2015 Apple Security Updates Shake Bugs Out of Safari’s Tree 2 min read - New Apple security updates target a number of critical bugs in the Safari browser, specifically those exploiting its open-source WebKit.
May 8, 2015 New WordPress Security Release Crosses Out XSS Vulnerabilities 2 min read - A new WordPress security release is recommended for anyone running the content management platform since it addresses two critical XSS vulnerabilties.
May 4, 2015 Survey Shows Overconfidence in Ability to Detect Threats on Government Networks 2 min read - A new survey by MeriTalk reveals that many cyber pros may have an overly optimistic estimate about their ability to detect threats on government networks.
April 28, 2015 WordPress Vulnerability Lets Cybercriminals Insert JavaScript Code via Comments Field 2 min read - A researcher says cybercriminals could exploit a WordPress vulnerability that uses JavaScript in blog comments to cause cross-site scripting attacks.
Application Security April 28, 2015 Software Defenses to OWASP’s Top 10 Most Common Application Attacks 6 min read - Software developers must learn how to build security in from the ground up to defend against the most common application attacks, as determined by OWASP.
April 27, 2015 New iOS 8 Vulnerability Taps Worrisome Wi-Fi Exploit 2 min read - A new type of iOS 8 vulnerability combines WiFiGate and an SSL compromise to cripple iPhones, according to mobile security firm Skycure.
April 23, 2015 Vulnerability in Magento Could Have Exposed 200,000 E-commerce Sites to Attack 2 min read - A vulnerability in Magento — the e-commerce platform owned by eBay — was patched but could have left more than 200,000 sites exposed to cybercriminals.
Fraud Protection April 21, 2015 Taking Evasive Actions Against Cyberfraud 2 min read - Cybercriminals are investing time and effort to improve their cyberfraud techniques in order to evade detection by security researchers and solutions.