Software Vulnerabilities March 11, 2015 DroppedIn: Remotely Exploitable Vulnerability in the Dropbox SDK for Android 8 min read - IBM X-Force has discovered a vulnerability in Dropbox SDK for Android that lets attackers connect mobile apps to Dropbox accounts that they control.
Software Vulnerabilities March 6, 2015 WordPress and the GHOST Vulnerability 3 min read - WordPress and its users may be vulnerable to the recently reported GHOST vulnerability through a remote, unauthenticated attacker.
March 5, 2015 Malware May Soon Be Showing on a Blu-ray System Near You 2 min read - A researcher has demonstrated that many common Blu-ray systems may be open to malware attacks at both the software and hardware level.
Software Vulnerabilities February 28, 2015 IBM Application Security on Cloud Saves the Day 2 min read - With AppScan Mobile Analyzer, IBM found vulnerabilities in the Apache Cordova framework for mobile apps that enabled a remote drive-by exploitation attack.
February 26, 2015 Researchers: Adtrustmedia’s PrivDog Advertising Software Leaves Some Users at Risk 2 min read - PrivDog, the advertising software offered by Adtrustmedia, may be breaking SSL security in ways that compromise user security.
Software Vulnerabilities February 19, 2015 Broken Web Browsers: Malware’s New Address? 3 min read - More than 75 percent of enterprises have been infiltrated by browser-borne malware. What steps can companies take to protect against broken Web browsers?
Software Vulnerabilities January 29, 2015 Ghost in the Machine: Linux Zero-Day Vulnerability Opens Door for Attack 3 min read - A Linux zero-day vulnerability, dubbed "Ghost," was recently discovered. It lets malicious code execute on servers that use the glibc functionality.
January 26, 2015 Thousands of Internet-Connected Automated Tank Gauges Vulnerable to Attacks 3 min read - Thousands of Internet-connected automated tank gauges are vulnerable to attacks because they are connected to the Internet without password requirements.
January 16, 2015 Google Stops Android Patches for Older Versions, Puts Millions of Smartphone Users at Risk 2 min read - Google has reportedly decided to stop issuing Android patches for older versions of the operating system, putting millions of smartphone users at risk.
January 12, 2015 Pastebin a Convenient Way for Cybercriminals to Remotely Host Malware 2 min read - Experts say cybercriminals are using a popular online repository called Pastebin to act as a remote server for hosting malware aimed at WordPress users.