Cloud Security November 14, 2014 For a Cloud-First Strategy, Start With a Cloud Security-First Plan 5 min read - Cloud-first organizations should focus their attention on these 13 areas that will help them develop a sound cloud security strategy.
X-Force November 11, 2014 IBM X-Force Researcher Finds Significant Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 6 min read - The IBM X-Force Research team has identified a significant vulnerability (CVE-2014-6332) in every version of Microsoft Internet Explorer since 3.0.
November 4, 2014 Security Leaders Claim Most Sites Using Drupal Have Been Hacked 2 min read - A flaw in the Drupal content management system may affect many websites, but security leaders have released some steps to help mitigate the risk.
Software Vulnerabilities October 28, 2014 Revelations in Data Protection in the Aftermath of Shellshock 3 min read - Sometimes less is more. But when it comes to data protection, more is definitely more, as proven by new research into the recent Shellshock vulnerability.
October 20, 2014 POODLE Attack Packs a Bite 2 min read - The innocuously named POODLE attack disclosed by security researchers at Google this week demonstrates the dangers of supporting obsolete technology.
October 3, 2014 WordPress Vulnerability Worries Companies as Hackers Close In 2 min read - An analysis of how a popular plugin for WordPress themes may contain a vulnerability that could allow hackers to compromise business information.
X-Force September 26, 2014 Bash Shellshock Exploits Could’ve Been Avoided 7 Years Ago. What To Do Today! 4 min read - The Bash Shellshock bug could be worse than the Heartbleed vulnerability, but it could've been avoided 7 years ago with Protocol Analysis.